New Additions to Our Factory!

New Additions to Our Factory!

The factory has grown - thanks to some fantastic support from Defra and Leader Funding.

Something very exciting is happening...we are soon to take delivery of two brand new machines to our chocolate factory in Somerset. These new machines will enable us to perfect the quality of our caramels and ganache. We're officially perfectionists and want to continuously improve the products we make and now finally we are on the next rung of the ladder to perfection!

After a detailed application process we have been selected to receive funding and support from DEFRA and the Heart of Wessex which will enable to purchase these machines.

The move over to using the machines will mean that when we are making ganache, we'll be able to produce a product with much less air in it. Currently mixing by hand means inevitably air is captured in the mix, but with the help of the new Stephan UM 12, which is made in Belgium we will make ganache with less air and as such a better quality product.

Similarly the Firex, will enable us to produce larger volumes of caramels, which are more consistent. Currently we do not have a pan big enough to produce one batch of caramels in, so the Firex is effectively a large pan meaning we can produce a batch in one go, resulting in a more consistent and again better quality product.

With the help of the Leader Funding, we will now be able to take on larger contracts which previously we have had to turn down. In hand, this also means that we plan to grow our team further and we will be looking to take on more staff in the new year. 


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